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What is Maze Ransomware & How to Protect Against It?

What is Maze ransomware and how to protect against it

Maze ransomware first emerged in May 2019. Maze is the hacker group’s name that created it, but the Maze system is not launched by them. Instead, the Maze group lends the software to other hacker groups who have targets in mind. The attacker and the supplier of the ransomware then share the profits gained from the ransom

The Maze system isn’t sprayed out in list mailings. It is used as part of a targeted campaign that includes doxing, which is the profiling of individuals. The amount of research that goes into each attack is costly and time-consuming. This effort pays off because the Maze ransomware can cross networks. It is mainly used to access cloud services and then move through to the network of each of that service’s customers.

How does Maze ransomware get onto a network?

Hackers using Maze require a valid user account, and so the first phase of a Maze attack is spear phishing. In this technique, hackers research individuals working in an organization and then open up a conversation based on some interest that they have discovered that person pursues.

The initial mark might be a low-level employee. In this case, the hacker gets the impact to explain who is in charge of that department and possibly who works in the IT department. The hacker group eventually builds up an organizational chart through these social contacts and works out who has privileged access to the system. That person then becomes the primary target. It is the system-level accounts that the hackers want.

While some hacker team members are trying to trick employees, other members will be trying traditional ways into the system with frequently used passwords, manufacturer default passwords, or a password cracker to get key access points into the network. The group will also try to get a remote access Trojan onto a device with an infected .docx file as an email attachment. One way or another, the group can acquire a user account.

How does Maze infect a system?

Once Maze is onto a device, it will enter a research phase, using well-known system probing tools, such as smbtools.exe, Adfind, BloodHound, PingCastle, plus system monitoring discovery tools. It will scan for network vulnerabilities. The virus will look for open SMB access, network device configuration settings, and the opportunity to get into Active Directory instances.

Operating system tools that the Maze ransomware deploys include Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) broadcasts and the NetBIOS Name Service (NBT-NS) to try to identify other computers and devices. It will also capture NT LAN Manager (NTLM) packets, which contain login credentials. It will also deploy Mimikatz on each infected endpoint to try to discover user credentials. On getting hold of a user account name, the Maze package will use various techniques to acquire the password.

The ransomware will spend several days exploring the system, mapping the network, and assembling as much as possible of the access rights structure. The virus acts in a very similar way to regular system monitoring and management tools. It attempts to get access to other endpoints on the network. If the system is a managed service provider, the virus will try to connect through to client systems and begin its research phase.

While examining each newly accessed endpoint, the virus scans for plain text files that might contain user account information. It will also try brute force password cracking to try to get into user and system accounts on the device. The system has time, and it will keep exploring, scouring different devices, and other scanning techniques to find user accounts.

Once Maze finds user credentials, it can move around the network more quickly, using SMB and RPC services to send files and software onto other devices and possibly the central servers of the system. The virus will also create its user accounts to get into the access rights management (ARM) service for the targeted network.

The main difficulty of combating Maze lies in its ability to move over to new devices. Once it is on another device, that extra module will infect all other devices on the network. So, if the ransomware program is discovered on one device and removed, that device can quickly be reinfected from another infected device.

How does a Maze ransomware attack occur?

Maze spreads very quickly around a network. Its ultimate aim is to encrypt all data files to demand a ransom. Part of the reason that the system delays triggering that encryption is that the hackers behind the software also want to steal that data. So, as it gets into a new endpoint, it scans for files, opens a connection to the Internet, and then transfers those files out. The team later threatens to release the contents of those files to the public or the hacker community to motivate victims to pay the ransom.

Once all of the data has been stolen, the Maze encryption begins. Encryption is carried out with two ciphers, which are ChaCha20 and RSA. ChaCha20 is a variation on the Salsa20 cipher. RSA is an asymmetric encryption system that is widely used as part of the SSL security system. The Maze implementation of RSA uses a 2048-bit key. ChaCha20 uses a 256-bit key.

As each file is encrypted, Maze adds an extra extension onto the end of its name. This is random series of four to seven characters. When all files on the device have been encrypted, Maze changes the wallpaper of the computer’s Desktop to show the ransom demand.

The user is directed to a text file that the ransomware has copied onto the device. This is called DECRYPT-FILES.txt. It explains how to use a decryptor, which is also copied onto the device. This utility has a decryption meter and allows three files to be decrypted for free. Paying the ransom buys credits for the decryptor. The screen does not name a price.

While the ransom demand is showing on the screen of the attacked computer, Maze also plays an audio file, which is a looping voice message that acts as an alarm.

The DECRYPT-FIES.txt file explains that the victim has three days to contact the hackers, or they will publish a notification of the attack on their site. This would be damaging because it might cause partner businesses that perform a third-party risk analysis to withdraw from dealing with the victim company. If the victim doesn’t contact the group within seven days, the Maze group will release all of the stolen data.

The threat of data release is potent because this blocks off recovery strategies that businesses might have to avoid paying, such as wiping and restoring from backup. The group is very confident of their power and even offer live chat support if the system administrator is having difficulty using the descriptor.

The victim has to open the Maze website in a Tor browser to receive instructions on payment and then get the decryption key. The group also promises to delete all of the stolen data they hold once the payment has been made.

The Maze ransomware doesn’t have a fixed ransom – remember the group works in partnership with other cybercrime syndicates and splits the payment, and each partner will have different income expectations. However, it is known that Maze ransoms are very high. Reported demands range from $6 million to $15 million.

Where is Maze from?

The hackers behind Maze are not one of the major groups; in fact, they do not have a separate name – they are known as Maze, the same as the ransomware. A routine within the encryption system checks on the local language of the machine, and it will not launch the encryption attack if that language is one of those of the former Soviet Union or Serbian.

The block on interference with computers used by Russians or the populations of states allied to Russia makes it more than likely that the Maze hacker group is based in Russia.  The code of the Maze program suite is well ordered and adequately commented. This indicates that the creators of the system are professional programmers. The code is bug-free and works well.

The system includes several obfuscation techniques, and it is composed of several modules that support each other and exchange data. This indicates that the ransomware was developed by experienced system designers and run by project managers. Its development included comprehensive testing. So, Maze is not the product of amateurs, and it is the product of a well-managed group effort.

How to deal with Maze ransomware

One good piece of news about Maze is that on 1 November 2020, the group announced that it was ceasing attacks. However, there is no reason to believe them. The lack of reported attacks is also no indication that no attacks have occurred. If there has been a ceasefire, then no one can be confident that it will be permanent.

The threat of data disclosure means that it is challenging to ignore a Maze ransom demand. If your business is tied to a data privacy standard, such a HIPAA, PCI DSS, or GDPR, the fines and compensation that you would have to pay for that disclosure could end up costing more than the ransom. The Maze group has been very clever.

The only surefire way to survive a Maze attack is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Fortunately, some excellent malware defense systems block Maze ransomware. The Maze group may come back with a modified version that avoids the detection systems set up to spot the original Maze. However, there are antimalware options available that are future-proof because they look for anomalous activity rather than specific file names. This is particularly useful for Maze, which acts more like an insider threat than a virus attack.

Consider the following security systems to defend against Maze ransomware.

1. CrowdStrike Falcon Insight

CrowdStrike Falcon Insight

CrowdStrike Falcon Insight is a good choice for combatting Maze ransomware. CrowdStrike has a research lab, and it knows all about Maze and how it operates, so blocking routines against the ransomware are built into this package.

The Insight system offers coordinated coverage of all endpoints. This is very useful for Maze’s problem when it reinstalls its software on an endpoint that has been cleaned from another infected endpoint.

Insight sits in the cloud and receives reports from endpoint-resident modules. The monitoring software installed on each endpoint is called Falcon Prevent, which is available as a standalone product. This is a next-generation antivirus system that looks for abnormal behavior. It uploads reports to the Insight coordinator. Insight can send instant instructions to all endpoints as soon as an infection of Maze is spotted in one location. Thus, the removal can coincide on all devices throughout the network.

Insight manages threat response as well as detection. Remediation steps can include suspending user account, isolating devices from the network, and file locking for Active Directory. Insight works well against insider threats and intrusion as well as viruses.

You can get a 15-day free trial of Falcon Prevent.

2. ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus

ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus

ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus is a protection system for sensitive data. As explained, the threat of Maze publishing the data that it steals is a severe problem to businesses following a data privacy standard. DataSecurity Plus ensures that sensitive data is secure.

The system searches all of your networks for data stores and then classifies the data in each. This enables you to know exactly where all of the valuable data is.

The ManageEngine system also includes a file integrity monitor that can each over those sensitive data locations and report on all access attempts. This locks down the data that you really can’t afford to leak. With essential information protected, you can reasonably ignore Maze threats even if they do get in. Go ahead and wipe all endpoints and restore them from backup.

ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus is available for a 30-day free trial.

L’article What is Maze Ransomware & How to Protect Against It? est apparu en premier sur Comparitech.

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