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Fortify WebInspect Review & Best Alternatives

Fortify WebInspect Alternatives

Dynamic application security testing (DAST) is a very specialized field in the cybersecurity industry. DAST tools are handy for testing Web applications. They activate various features in a Web page or an API to test its behavior. As DAST aims to probe the Web application’s security, it runs an attempt to break to corrupt the application somehow.

WebInspect is a DAST tool that probes the security weaknesses in Wen applications. The full name of this security system is Fortify WebInspect. The Fortify product line is a property of Micro Focus that is intended to test system security. So, WebInspect is part of a family of tools created by software engineers who are highly experienced in cybersecurity.

What does WebInspect do? 

Fortify Software is a division of Micro Focus, and it specializes in security and verification systems, particularly DAST, SAST, and IAST services. WebInspect is a product that focuses on Web application security testing. The system can be used during applications development and as an assessment service when considering buying new Web applications and services. For example, a development project team would use the tool to check on an API that it might be considering using, and an IT Operations team would use the tool to assess live websites.

The system deploys a crawler to work its way through the functions in a Web application and uses OpenAPI to test APIs. The exact testing methods implemented by the test platform can be tailored to check against specific goals. This system configuration can be set by applying a pre-written template from a library that includes compliance tests to PCI DSS, DISA STIG, NIST 800-53, ISO 27K, OWASP, and HIPAA standards.

How do I deploy WebInspect?

WebInspect is an on-premises package. It installs on Windows Server 2016 and 2019 or Windows 8, 8.1, and 10. A version will run on Docker, but this also requires that the underlying operating system is Windows or Windows Server.

The system works as a proxy that captures Web traffic, so that target of your DAST inspection needs to be accessible through a browser. The WebInspect service monitors the messages that travel back and forth between the application host under examination and the browser. In addition, the service provides a test shoe for APIs and functions that don’t represent a complete Web page.

The scans implemented by WebInspect can be launched on-demand, on a schedule, or set to run continuously. The continuous mode is suitable for integration into CI/CD pipelines.

You can assess Fortify WebInspect on a 15-day free trial.

WebInspect Pros & Cons

When assessing Fortify WebInspect, we identified its good points and bad points.


  • A long-standing facility that has been widely implemented and is stable
  • Integration possible with CI/CD pipelines
  • Automatic tailoring for specific data privacy standards
  • On-premises deployment guarantees confidentiality
  • Options for on-demand, scheduled, or continuous execution


  • No SAST functions

Fortify offers other system testing services, which include a SAST module called the Static Code Analyzer. It is possible to combine this with WebInspect to get a full IAST suite. The company also provides a combined testing service called Fortify on Demand. This is a SaaS platform that offers DAST, SAST, IAST, and mobile application testing.

Alternatives to Fortify WebInspect

Although DAST is a niche market, there is a surprising number of tools available to perform it. Not all of them could be counted as suitable alternatives to WebInspect. However, the capabilities of the Fortify team in producing system security testing tools are exceptional, and the company is hard to match in the DAST market.

What should you look for in a WebInspect alternative? 

We reviewed the market for DAST tools and analyzed the options based on the following criteria:

  • Options that are available as a SaaS platform or for an on-premises installation
  • A service that can be run on-demand, on a schedule, or continuously
  • Nice to have static code analysis (SAST) to provide a complete interactive applications security testing (IAST) service
  • A system that recommends fixes for discovered errors and weaknesses
  • The option to integrate the tool into a CI/CD pipeline
  • A free trial, a demo system, or a money-back guarantee
  • Good value for money

Our selection includes tools that can be used for assessing live Web apps or for testing apps under development.

Here is our list of the seven best alternatives to Fortify WebInspect:

  1. Netsparker (ACCESS FREE DEMO) This comprehensive package of Web application security testing tools includes static code scanning (SAST) as well as DAST services to deliver a complete IAST system that can be integrated into development projects or used for live app testing. Available as a SaaS platform or for installation on Windows or Windows Server.
  2. Acunetix (ACCESS FREE DEMO) A SaaS vulnerability scanner can also be installed on-site and offers DAST and SAST options for development testing. The on-site package runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  3. Rapid7 InsightAppSec A SaaS platform to which the customer submits code for assessment by pen testing experts using DAST tools.
  4. GitLab Ultimate is a cloud-based development platform organized to support DevOps pipelines and includes DAST testing points in the workflow.
  5. Veracode Dynamic Analysis A SaaS system that offers automated DAST assessments for Web apps in the wild or under development with access to expert advisors for solutions.
  6. Detectify Deep Scan A cloud-based testing system that provides discovery scanning, DAST assessments, and fix advice.
  7. Appknox Cloud-based automated testing service that is specifically designed to assess mobile apps. Choose between DAST, DAST, and API testing modules.
  8. Checkmarx cIAST This interactive application security testing system combines DAST and SAST system checks from a cloud platform.

You can read more about each of these options in the following sections.

The Seven Best Alternatives to Fortify WebInspect

1. Netsparker (EDITOR’S CHOICE)


Netsparker can be used for development testing or for vulnerability scanning of existing Web applications. This service is a little better than the WebInspect service because it includes both static and dynamic analysis of apps out of the box – with WebInspect, those two functions are delivered in separate modules. This combination in Netsparker provides a complete IAST system.

Netsparker includes a discovery service. This is useful for scanning existing Web apps, particularly APIs that you assess for inclusion in a new development. In addition, the discovery module helps you map out interdependencies, which forms a source map for integration testing where connections between applications need to be examined for potential data leaks.

The flexibility of Netsparker allows it to be used for vulnerability scanning, pen-testing, or continuous testing in a development lifecycle. Scans can be launch on-demand or schedule. In addition, the testing goals of the service can be adjusted to enforce compliance with data privacy standards, such as HIPAA and PCI DSS.

You can choose between a hosted version of Netsparker and an on-premises package. The hosted system is a complete SaaS platform, including space to store scan results over time for historical analysis. The on-premises version installs on Windows and Windows Server. You can access a free demo.


Netsparker is a great competitor to Fortify WebInspect because it provides a single DAST and SAST functions package to give an IAST service that checks all Web applications, including APIs. This tool helps prevent existing Web applications and also for the testing of modules under development. So, Netsparker can be used for both a CI/CD pipeline and by IT operations staff.

Get a demo: netsparker.com/get-demo/

Operating system: SaaS or for installation on Windows and Windows Server

2. Acunetix (ACCESS FREE DEMO)

Acunetix screenshot

Acunetix is a vulnerability scanner that is available in three formats. This system is suitable for on-demand vulnerability scanning of Web applications, scheduled regular scans of Web applications and networks, or integrated testing in a CI/CD pipeline.

The service that you get with Acunetix depends on the plan that you pick. The Standard plan offers on-demand vulnerability scans. This can also be used as a penetration testing tool for Web apps. It scans for 7,000 vulnerabilities that include the OWASP Top 10.

Look at the Premium plan to automate Web application scanning and add on network vulnerability scans. The automated internal scans spot more than 50,000 weaknesses.

Acunetix is offered as a SaaS platform. However, it is also possible to get the software as a package to install on your host. This version is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Access the demo system to assess Acunetix for free.

Acunetix 360 is the top plan, and it offers vulnerability scanning for Web applications, but it can also be used for testing in a CI/CD pipeline. In the development scenario, you would set up the testing system to run continuously, which operates a DAST strategy. The package also includes a code scanning system to give you SAST.

Get a demo: acunetix.com/web-vulnerability-scanner/demo/

Operating system: SaaS or for installation on Windows and Windows Server

3. Rapid7 InsightAppSec

Rapid7 InsightAppSec

Rapid7 sponsors Metasploit and produces Metasploit Professional. On top of that, pen testing and vulnerability scanning service, Rapid7 also offers the InsightAppSec package, which provides a DAST system.

This service provides on-demand and scheduled Web application vulnerability scanning that covers the OWASP Top 10. This is a cloud platform, so the service isn’t limited to monitoring systems resident on one particular server or a single site. The service is also available to check on applications that are still private while they are under development.

The tests carried out by Rapid7 InsightAppSec can be recalibrated to suit a specific data privacy standard. You nominate a standard in the settings for the tool, and all of the tests and goals of the tester automatically get adjusted accordingly. The system can also produce application verification documentation that is suitable for submission as part of a compliance proof package.

You can assess Rapid7 InsightAppSec by accessing its 30-day free trial.

4. GitLab Ultimate

GitLab Ultimate

GitLab is a cloud-based development environment that includes a testing system. The DevOps support system is offered in three editions: Free, Premium, and Ultimate. The testing platform is only included in the Ultimate plan.

The testing service in the GitLabs Ultimate package offers a DAST system. It can perform a discovery service that scans Web applications and maps their dependencies. In addition, this system can trace through APIs and perform tests on the backing procedures. The tester can be launched on-demand in the style of a vulnerability scan, or it can be run on a schedule or set to run continuously.

The testing service in the Ultimate plan also has code scanning SAST services available. This static assessment service grades code for security and identifies areas for improvement. The testing service can also be used to enforce license compliance.

GitLab Ultimate is available for a 30-day free trial.

5. Veracode Dynamic Analysis

Veracode dynamic analysis

Veracode Dynamic Analysis is a cloud-based DAST testing platform that searches for more than 150 typical security errors found in Web applications under development. This is a service that is designed to fit into the CI/CD pipeline. The testing service produces recommendations on changes in code to correct the discovered weaknesses.

Test facilities include automatic and continuous detection and offer a scripting system that enables code to test interactive elements. This consists of the ability to issue actions to test log-in screens and activities such as customer checkout. With these tests, you can check the successful interaction with systems such as access rights managers and databases.

Tests are initiated by entering a URL in the Veracode system screen or loading up a file that contains a list of URLs to batch-test many new applications in an unattended run. This DAST test launch can be integrated into project management and development task automation systems so that testing occurs automatically as a new module moves along the CI/CD pipeline.

Veracode Dynamic Analysis is available as a demo system for assessment.

6. Detectify Deep Scan

Detectify Deep Scan

Detectify Deep Scan offers an easy-to-use Web interface to launch DAST tests. Tests can be set up by entering a URL to scan or using the system’s Discovery service to search through your Web applications and map dependencies.

The testing system deploys DAST black-box testing for Web applications, concentrating on the OWASP Top 10 and a proprietary database of zero-day vulnerabilities that the Detectify system discovers during its working implementations for many clients. The Detectify system was assembled by a pen testing team that uses the tool themselves during commissions. The new attacks and weaknesses that this group discovers in its consultancy work also get added to the Detectify vulnerability exploits database.

Detectify Deep Scan is suitable for use during penetration testing, and it can also be used as a vulnerability scanner for Web applications. The tool can be set to run continuously, integrated into a CI/CD pipeline. The SaaS platform is hosted in Sweden, and its charges are set in Euros. The service is available for a two-week free trial.

7. Appknox


Appknox is a specialized testing platform that is built specifically to test mobile applications. The utilities of this cloud-based system can be used for penetration testing and vulnerability testing. The service can also be integrated into development environments to provide developers, systems testers, acceptance testers, and IT operations teams in the DevOps production and maintenance of mobile apps.

The Appknox service is available in three editions. These are Essential, Professional, and Enterprise. The platform offers a range of testing strategies, and all of the plans include static testing (SAST) and dynamic testing (DAST) options, which gives you a complete IAST service. Tests in the library are suitable for different needs at each stage in the development lifecycle.

The standard Appknox plans offer test automation services. However, there are also human-driven services available as extras. These include code assessment by security experts and penetration testing services.

8. Checkmarx cIAST

Checkmarx cIAST

Checkmarx cIAST is an interactive application security testing platform that includes code scanning services and black-box testing systems. This combination offers tests from within and from outside each Web application. The combination of SAST and DAST gives a development team a range of tests needed at each step in the development lifecycle. In addition, the testing system can be integrated into the CI/CD pipeline.

The DAST service of cIAST scans for the OWASP Top 10 that cover access to databases and authentication systems and the Web application itself. The tool can be integrated into an issue tracker and project workflow managers to send modules back to the developer if issues arise during testing. The issue report will highlight the problem and suggest fixes.

L’article Fortify WebInspect Review & Best Alternatives est apparu en premier sur Comparitech.

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